Useful Information

In carrying out environmental protection activities, Toplofikacia Sofia EAD manages environmental protection through:
Compliance with the conditions stated in the complex permits issued by Ministry of Environment and Water for Heating District Areas "Sofia East", "Lyulin", "Zemlyane" and "Sofia", affecting all components of environmental protection (air, water and soil);
Implementation of Waste Management Programs;
Systematic control over the combustion process and observance of the regime maps of the boiler units for protection of the air quality.
Monitoring of emissions of harmful substances discharged with the waste flue gases, through the introduced automatic systems for own continuous measurements, which allow for operative intervention with selection of the optimal mode of operation of the boiler units.
Periodic control inspections by the Regional Inspectorate for Environmental Protection and Water - Sofia and the Executive Agency for Environment for the content of harmful emissions in flue gases;
Improving the ecological condition of Toplofikacia Sofia EAD sites. During each modernization and reconstruction, the fuel systems are improved, including through the introduction of low-emission combustion systems to reduce the amounts of nitrogen oxides emitted into the atmosphere;
Systematic control over the quality of wastewater and the operation of treatment facilities in district heating areas in terms of water protection;
Implementation of the Waste Management Programs, which guarantees the soil protection of the soil;
Separate sites for temporary storage of the waste (hazardous, industrial, construction and household), which are maintained and operated in accordance with CMD № 53 (SG, issue 29/1999). A permanent report is kept for the waste according to the order determined by Ordinance № 1 of June 4, 2014 for order and samples, according to which information about the waste activities is provided, as well as the order for keeping public registers;
Fulfillment of the requirements of ISO 14001 according to the certificate issued to Toplofikacia Sofia EAD and the certification audit conducted by Bureau Veritas for compliance with the performed activity.